Guidelines for the Foreign Language Certification Course (Div 4999)


1. Eligibility

Students who apply to do a Readings and Research class to fulfill the language requirement should first have:

a. attempted to prepare for the exam by completing course work at Harvard; and
b. attempted the qualifying exam and been unsuccessful.

2. Procedure for applying

To apply to do a Readings and Research course, a student first must consult with and have permission of:
a. her/his advisor; and
b. the Director of Language Studies; and
c. the proposed instructor of the course.

After this initial approval, and before registering for the course, the student should submit a list of readings and copies thereof to the Director of Language Studies and the instructor for approval. It is the student's responsibility to collect the readings, in consultation with the instructor and the Director of Language Studies if necessary.

3. Procedure for certification of course work

After completion of the readings, the instructor will evaluate and report on the student's performance. The certification process entails three steps (a-c below).

a. The instructor administers an exam (written or oral) evaluating the student's ability to translate.
b. The instructor submits the results to the Director of Language Studies for certification.
The results may take one of two forms:
1. corrected translations; or,
2. a brief letter describing the translation and the testing method.
c. After receiving the material described above, the Director of Language Studies informs the Th.D. administrator that the student has completed the requirement successfully.

February 15, 1999