Rebecca Mendoza

Rebecca Mendoza smiling at the camera. She has dark hair.
Rebecca J. Mendoza
PhD Candidate

Rebecca’s research focuses on Indigenous religious traditions of the Americas with a focus on precolonial and decolonial theory grounded in Mexico and the contemporary borderlands of Mexico and the U.S. Broadly, her scholarship centers Indigenous ontologies, material religion, and ritual survivance pertaining to kinship among humans, plants, animals, ancestors, and land. Her interdisciplinary approach bridges ancient Mesoamerican materials and cosmovision with contemporary Indigenous, Mexican, and Chicanx communities. Rebecca is a graduate of Harvard Divinity School (M.Div) and the University of Oregon (B.A.) with professional experience working in community organizing, advocacy, education, and storytelling. She was a 2022 Summer Pre-Columbian Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks, a Graduate Student Associate at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, and in 2023 she was awarded the Ford Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.