C) How do I set up Zoom at home?

Zoom can be accessed at home via your home or work computer. It is available online or as a desktop application. 

To use Zoom online you can login through your Harvard Zoom account and it will be available directly in your browser. 

Go to https://harvard.zoom.us You should see a page like this:

Zoom Harvard mainpage

  1. Click Sign in to configure your account.
  2. The HarvardKey login screen will appear. Enter your HarvardKey login name and password.
  3. Your account is configured. Confirm that you see your name and email address on the Zoom profile page.
    Screenshot of Zoom profile page


You can also download Zoom to your desktop (work or home):

1. Go to https://harvard.zoom.us/download and download the Zoom Client for Meetings.
(If you do not have administrator access on your computer (should only be significant for your work computer), please contact HUIT help desk for support.)

2. Install the application by clicking "download," opening and running the file named "ZoomInstaller.exe" and allowing accpeting any permissions to allow for installation on your computer. 

3. Once you have installed Zoom, open the application.

4. Click Sign In.

5. You will see a screen that looks like below.

Select Sign in with SSO (ignore the other options and do not enter email and password on the left):
Screenshot of Zoom Sign In

6. On the next screen, enter the word Harvard in the box and click Continue (as seen below)
Screenshot of SSO Sign In

7. A web browser will launch while checking your HarvardKey.

If prompted by your browser, select “Always open these types of links in the associated app” and then click Open Zoom Meetings:
Screenshot of Associated App pop-up

8. Your Zoom desktop application should now launch and open:
Desktop application main menu

For more information about the options shown above ("new meeting," "join," "schedule," and "share screen," please return to the FAQs and select the relevant question. 



Attach Files: 

See also: Zoom FAQs