163 results found.

Leila Ahmed
Victor S. Thomas Research Professor in Divinity (HDS) Emerituslahmed@hds.harvard.edu617-496-5316
Mafaz Al-Suwaidan
PhD Candidate
Ali S. Asani
Murray A. Albertson Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Professor of Indo-Muslim and Islamic Religion and Culturesaliasani@fas.harvard.edu617-495-5755

Sam Bailey
PhD Candidate
Yaa Baker
PhD Candidate

Michelle Bentsman
PhD Candidate

Courtney Bickel Lamberth
Director of Undergraduate StudiesLecturer in the Study of Religionlamberth@fas.harvard.edu617-496-1018

Seyi Bolarin
PhD Candidate

Ann. D. Braude
Senior Lecturer on American Religious History and Director of the Women’s Studies in Religion Programabraude@hds.harvard.edu617-495-5705
Catherine Brekus
Chair, Committee on the Study of ReligionCharles Warren Professor of the History of Religion in Americacbrekus@hds.harvard.edu
Briana Brightly
PhD Candidate
Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham
Victor S. Thomas Professor of History and of African and African American Studiesebhiggin@fas.harvard.edu617-495-7828

Russell Burk
PhD Candidate
Timothy Byram
PhD Candidate
Oana Capatina
PhD Candidate
Davíd Carrasco
Neil L. Rudenstine Professor for the Study of Latin Americadcarrasco@hds.harvard.edu617-384-7953
Charles Carstens
PhD Candidate
Christy Charnel
PhD Candidate
Joie Chen
PhD Candidate

Francis X. Clooney
Parkman Professor of Divinity and Professor of Comparative Theologyfclooney@hds.harvard.edu617-495-4495
Shaye J.D. Cohen
Nathan Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophyscohen@fas.harvard.edu617-496-6422

Morgan Curtis
PhD Candidate
Sunitha Das
PhD Candidate
Emma De Lisle
PhD Candidate
Djelimory Diabate
PhD Candidate
Gio DiRusso
PhD Candidate

Benjamin Dunning
Florence Corliss Lamont Professor of DivinityProfessor of New Testament and Early Christianitybdunning@hds.harvard.edu
Peter Dziedzic
PhD Candidate
Diana Eck
Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies Fredric Wertham Professor of Law and Psychiatry in Societydianaeck@fas.harvard.edu617-495-2099
James Engell
Gurney Professor of English Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature Emeritusjengell@fas.harvard.edu617-495-5055
Naomi Fastovsky
PhD Candidate
Brian FitzGerald
Lecturer on Medieval Studies and the Study of Religion
Marla Frederick
Dean of the Faculty of DivinityJohn Lord O’Brian Professor of DivinityProfessor of Religion and Culture
Leren Gao
PhD Candidate

Alfredo Garcia Garza
PhD Candidate
Fernanda Garcia-Oteyza
PhD Candidate
Luis M. Girón-Negrón
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Comparative Literature and of Romance Languages and Literaturesgiron@fas.harvard.edu617-495-2567

William A. Graham
Harvard University Distinguished Service ProfessorMurray A. Albertson Professor of Middle Eastern Studieswgraham@fas.harvard.edu617-495-5775
Janan Graham-Russell
PhD Candidate

Haley Griese
PhD Candidate
Karlene Griffiths Sekou
PhD Candidate

Chelsea Hall
PhD Candidate
David Hall
Bartlett Research Professor of New England Church History Emeritus
Harry Hall
PhD Candidate
Charles Hallisey
Yehan Numata Senior Lecturer on Buddhist Literatureschallisey@hds.harvard.edu617-384-7872
Jeffrey F. Hamburger
Kuno Francke Professor of German Art and Culturejhamburg@fas.harvard.edu617-495-8732
Margaret Hamm
PhD Candidate
Helen Hardacre
Reischauer Institute Professor of Japanese Religions and Society, Emeritahardacre@fas.harvard.edu617-496-5844

Steven Harris
PhD Candidate
Jay Hashmi
PhD Candidate

Michael Helmy
PhD Candidate
David N. Hempton
Harvard University Distinguished Service ProfessorAlonzo L. McDonald Family Professor of Evangelical Theological Studiesdhempton@hds.harvard.edu617-495-4513
Malka Himelhoch
PhD Candidate
Julia Hintlian
PhD Candidate

Amy Hollywood
Elizabeth H. Monrad Professor of Christian Studiesahollywood@hds.harvard.edu617-496-5938
Tracey Hucks
Victor S. Thomas Professor of Africana Religious Studies Suzanne Young Murray Professor (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study)thucks@hds.harvard.edu

Terrence L. Johnson
Director of Graduate StudiesProfessor of African American Religious Studiestjohnson@hds.harvard.edu
Mark D. Jordan
Andrew W. Mellon Research Professor of Christian Thoughtmjordan@hds.harvard.edu617-496-7122
Nicholas Judt
PhD Candidate
Ousmane Oumar Kane
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Professor of Contemporary Islamic Religion and Society (HDS) EmeritusProfessor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (FAS)okane@hds.harvard.edu

Satoru Kimura
PhD Candidate

Arthur Kleinman
Esther and Sidney Rabb Professor of Anthropology in the Faculty of Arts and SciencesProfessor of Medical Anthropology, Department of Global Health and Social MedicineProfessor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical Schoolkleinman@fas.harvard.edu617-495-3846
Sara Klingenstein
PhD Candidate
James Kloppenberg
Charles Warren Research Professor of American History, Emeritusjkloppen@fas.harvard.edu617-496-0797
Amadu Kunateh
PhD Candidate

Therese Lautua
College Fellow in Indigenous Religions
Jon D. Levenson
Albert A. List Professor of Jewish Studies (HDS)jlevenson@hds.harvard.edu617-495-5955
Maya Levine
PhD Candidate
Madeline Levy
PhD Candidate
Kellyn Lewis
PhD Candidate
Charles Lockwood
Lecturer in the Study of Religion

Peter Machinist
Hancock Professor of Hebrew and Other Oriental Languages, Emeritusmachinis@fas.harvard.edu617-495-0333
Kevin J. Madigan
Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History
Sasha Makarova
PhD Candidate
Natalie Malter
PhD Candidate
Michael Mango
PhD Candidate
Jonathan Mason-Wolfe
PhD Candidate
Dan McKanan
Ralph Waldo Emerson Unitarian Universalist Association Senior Lecturer in Divinitydmckanan@hds.harvard.edu617-496-2665
Heather McLetchie-Leader
PhD Candidate
Rebecca Mendoza
PhD Candidate

Joshua Moriarty
PhD Candidate
Sage Moses
PhD Candidate
Theodore Motzkin
PhD Candidate
Laura Mucha
PhD Candidate
Annas Muchlisin
PhD Candidate
Ilgin Nas
PhD Candidate
John Nowak
PhD Candidate

Jacob Olupona
Professor of African and African American Studies in the Faculty of Arts and SciencesProfessor of African Religious Traditions in the Harvard Divinity Schoololupona@fas.harvard.edu617-495-8221
Gabriel Parlin
PhD Candidate
Sarah Passinhas-Bergman
Student CoordinatorGraduate and Undergraduatespassinhasbergman@fas.harvard.edu
Jessica Patey
PhD Candidate
Kimberley C. Patton
Professor of the Comparative and Historical Study of Religionkpatton@hds.harvard.edu617-496-3395
Irene Peirano Garrison
Pope Professor of the Latin Language and LiteratureClassics Director of Graduate Studies peirano@fas.harvard.edu6174955216
Felipe Pereda
Fernando Zóbel de Ayala Professor of Spanish ArtDepartment of History of Art + Architecture Director of Graduate Studiesfpereda@fas.harvard.edu6174957047

Ryan Pino
PhD Candidate
Chandra Plowden
PhD Candidate
Matthew Potts
Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the Memorial Church
Michael James Puett
Walter C. Klein Professor of Chinese History and AnthropologyHarvard College Professorpuett@fas.harvard.edu6174958360
Yuxin Qin
PhD Candidate
Julia Rhyder
Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizationsjuliarhyder@fas.harvard.edu6174969049
Mayra Rivera
Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Religion and Latinx Studies
Steven Anthony Rizzo
PhD Candidate
James Robson
James C. Kralik and Yunli Lou Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations;Harvard College ProfessorWilliam Fung Director of the Harvard University Asia Center; Chair, Regional Studies East Asia (RSEA), 2019-20jrobson@fas.harvard.edu6174958363

Byron Russell
PhD Candidate
Toni Sacco
PhD Candidate
Abtsam Saleh
PhD Candidate

Francis Schüssler Fiorenza
Charles Chauncey Stillman Research Professor of Roman Catholic Theological Studiesffiorenza@hds.harvard.edu617-495-5750
Natalia Schwien
PhD Candidate

Martha Selby
Sangam Professor of South Asian StudiesSouth Asian Studies Director of Graduate Studiesmarthaselby@fas.harvard.edu

Lydia Shahan
PhD Candidate

Charles M. Stang
Professor of Early Christian ThoughtDirector of the Center for the Study of World Religionscstang@hds.harvard.edu
Denson Staples
PhD Candidate
David Stern
Harry Starr Professor of Classical and Modern Jewish and Hebrew LiteratureProfessor of Comparative Literaturedstern@fas.harvard.edu6174953977
Lauren Tassone
PhD Candidate

Anh Tran
PhD Candidate
Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp
Professor of Tibetan and Himalayan Studiesvanderk@fas.harvard.edu617-496-6871
Eugene Wang
Abby Aldrich Rockerfeller Professor of Asian ArtBuddhist Art of Asia; Chinese Art, Architecture, and Media StudiesFounding Director of Harvard FAS CAMLabeywang@fas.harvard.edu6174950845

Preston N. Williams
Houghton Professor of Theology and Contemporary Change Emeritus

Chen Wu
PhD Candidate
Joy Wu
PhD Candidate
Shan Wu
PhD Candidate

Raúl Zegarra
Assistant Professor of Roman Catholic Theological Studies
Malika Zeghal
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Professor in Contemporary Islamic Thought and Lifemzeghal@fas.harvard.edu6173848432
No results found.